When an insidious supernatural force edges its way into a seemingly straightforward investigation into the gruesome murder of a young boy, it leads a seasoned cop and an unorthodox investigator to question everything they believe in.
When the head of a criminal organisation, Finn Wallace is assassinated, the sudden power vacuum his death creates threatens the fragile peace between the intricate web of gangs operating on the streets of the city. Now it’s up to the grieving, volatile and impulsive Sean Wallace to restore control and find those responsible for killing his father.
The origin story of Bruce Wayne’s legendary butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier who forms a security company and goes to work with Thomas Wayne, Bruce’s billionaire father, in 1960s London.
What started from exam cheating in the classroom escalated to stealing a national test paper. These are not your everyday students. They’re a reflection of the cheating that happens at every level in Thai society. Lin: (Plearnpichaya Komalarajun) A genius who cheats for revenge against the school. Hoping to reclaim the tea money her father (Saksit Tangthong) paid to the Headmistress (Apasiri Chantrasmi). Bank: (Jinjett Wattanasin) A son who is dutiful to his mother (Ratchanok Sangchuto) but has to cheat because fate is always playing tricks with him. Pat: (Paris Intarakomalyasut) The son of a wealthy family who cheats because he’s pressured by his father (Willie McIntosh) who is the family’s dictator. Grace: (Sawanya Paisarnpayak) It's not clear why this young girl cheats. Is it because she’s swayed by her friends?
In April 1991, Detlev Rohwedder, the head of Treuhand, the East German Privatization and Restructuring Agency, was assassinated in Dusseldorf. This documentary details the strange evidence recovered.
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